Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reflection for White Knight VS Black Knight

This is a reflection in language B about a story called White Knight VS Black Knight. I made from GarageBand. I learnt a lot of stuff such as what is the different between reading a story and telling a story.

The different between reading a story and telling a story is that if you read a story you don’t use any expression and you don’t change your voice. If you tell a story to other people you have to use an expression and change your voice. The important things to remember when telling a story is that you should use an expression and you have to change your voice. I think that I was a little bit not successful doing the podcast because it was hard recording my voice with an expression. It took me 2 weeks to get this done and I think I am a little bit doesn’t like because most of them doesn’t have any expression because it was a hard for me to do it.

It was difficult for me when I am recording my voice from GarageBand because it was hard changing my voice and to express myself. I think my podcast have a voice that is like I was reading on it and some of them almost sound like I am telling a story. It was hard for me to sound like I am telling a story because I don’t want to be embarrassed and being silly. I still don’t know what to do to make it easier for me.

It was easy for me when I am writing the script for the story because there are picture to help me what to write. I enjoy when I was writing the script for the story because it was easy and it also have picture to help me what to write. I didn’t enjoy when I was recording my voice in GarageBand because I don’t like to be silly, embarrassed and shouting.


  1. See your video reflection turned out great, too bad it got cut off. You don't seem nervous and your voice is nice and clear.

  2. I like your honesty about how difficult it was for you to get silly. I think this takes time and practice. Don't worry we have lots of both!

  3. Telling stories and writing stories use two different skill sets. I listen to a lot of audiobooks where the stories are read by professional readers, not the authors. It doesn't matter if you don't feel you are very good as a story teller. What does matter is that you continue to get better. The only way to do that is to practice. Believe me, the feeling of silliness will go away when your audience shows their appreciation. :)

    Mr. C
    Noel Elementary School

  4. You have some really great reflections! When I read a story, I try to imagine the different expressions a character would use in his speech in my head as I read. This makes it easier for me when I read aloud and have to use inflection in my voice. I think you did a wonderful job with your podcast!


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