This is the new unit for language B that is grammar. I have learnt that grammar unit are nouns means person, place, thing, idea. Also I learnt about common noun, proper noun, compound noun, singular noun, plural noun, concrete noun and abstract noun.
Common noun means a person, thing and idea. Example are chair, pencil, teacher.
Proper noun means name of something specific. Example are Jakarta, Singapore.
Compound noun means two words together that be one noun. Example are laptop, handphone.
Singular noun means that there are just one word or thing. Example potato chip.
Plural nouns means that there are more that one words or things. Example potato chips.
Concrete noun mean the things that you can sense.
Abstract noun mean that you can't sense with your 5 senses.
I learnt the definition of part of speech which mean the 8 categories of words. The 8 categories of words are noun, adjective, verbs, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection.
I feel using easy using to find picture in Goggle Doc because it already appear a lot of picture but I don't know if it is copyright. When I use flickr to search picture it is a little easy finding picture because usually some picture I can't have the picture that I wanted but it tells me that I can't copyright the person picture.
I like grammar because it is fun and sometimes I watch brainpop and take quiz to see do we know about grammar.
Here is a presentation about grammar.
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